
Work in Partnership


Partnership refers to formal and written agreement in between two or more parties in order to conduct business operations and functions. In a partnership partners may be an individual, business, interest based company, government, school and many more. In partnership both parties share company profit and loss (Oláh and Gähler, 2014). This report is based on organisation Eleanor Healthcare Group which is formed in year 1979. They offer various services related to health and social care which is of high quality and cost effective. Along with this they also tie up with small health care centre of London to provide proper services to there residence peoples. This report will discuss features of effective partnership, importance of partnership while working with others and how to overcome barriers which occur in working in partnership. Along with this it include role and responsibilities of a person while working with colleagues and professionals. More over it also include evaluation of various topics which occur while working in health and social care.

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Main Body

1.1 Identify the features of effectivepartnership working

If an organisation want to work in a partnership then they must have various features like good communication, trust, appropriate relationship and many more. So when Eleanor Healthcare Group want to develop partnership with small health and social care centres they required several features which are explain below:-

  • Agree on a vision:- According to this feature both companies must be agree and understand vision another company (Pavlova and Silbereisen, 2012). So that they can operate business functions in appropriate manner. In context of respective company before they make partnership agreement with companies they will discuss there vision statement and make them understand.
  • Develop appropriate structure:-This refers to features which is necessary for conducting operations in effective manner. In respect of Eleanor Healthcare Group they must develop working and operating structure with other partners healthcare so that they can operate there business in effective and efficient manner.

1.2 Importance of partnership working with other peoplelisted in the table

People working with

Why it is important to work with this person


Colleagues are those individuals who are working in a particular health and service centre (Glover and Butler, 2012). It is important for respective company to work with these so that they can offer there services to patients in effective manner.

Other professionals-

Workers from other agencies or organisations

There refers to those agencies or organisation who come at hospital for inspection. It is important for Eleanor Healthcare Group to work with them so they will insure services and facilities are effective. By this goodwill of hospital will increase.

Professional Advocates

It refers to a person who is not directly linked with hospital they can be CEO, director etc. respective company has to work with them so they can operate there functions in effective manner.

Independent visitors

These are those individual who are professional and give advice to service users (Doel and Marsh, 2017). Respective company has to develop and maintain relationship with them so they they can provide effective advice when needed.

Others -

Individuals (service users)

It is essential for company to work with services users because these are the one who consume services and facilities of hospital.

Children and young people

It is essential for respective hospital to work with these peoples so that they inform them about patient's condition.


Eleanor Healthcare Group work with them to inform timing to meet patients and inform them about condition of service user.


Hospital has to work with them so that they inform then about condition of patients and about medicines. So that they stay and take care of them.

Friends of the individual

This are those who come to meet patients and doctor work with them to inform about condition of service users.

Independent Advocates

These are those who advice service users but they are not professionals. Respective company work with them in order to inform them about right and appropriate things which patients should follow.

1.3 How to overcome barriers to partnership working

When two or more than two individuals are working together in partnership they face various issues and problems which is come up as barriers in business operations (Cook, Krishnan and Rashidi, 2013). Then accordingly management of organizations develop and create strategies and plans accordingly to overcome respective barriers. Some major ways which Eleanor Healthcare Group can adopt are mentioned below:-

  • Respective company and an other partner company will more focus and emphasis on building good as well as quality relationship which is based on trust.
  • They they will maintain and develop effective working relationship so that both of them able to conduct business operations in appropriate manner.
  • They develop and share training and workforce improvement according to situation and requirement which help in effective conducting of operations.
  • Both the companies provide appropriate informations and data which is necessary to operate business functions (Goran and Mullen-Fortino, 2012).

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2.1 Explain own role and responsibilities in working with colleagues

At Eleanor Healthcare Group my designation is HR and Admin leader in this I have to made contact and communication with all other staff of health care centre . Other staffs such as doctors, nurses, ward boy, care takers, cleaning staffs and many more. I conduct various roles and responsibilities when I am working with my colleagues, some major of them are explain below:-

  • I do evaluation and monitoring other colleagues role and responsibilities which help me in resolving there issues and problems.
  • I Provide all necessary and important informations as well as data which help my colleagues in operating woks in appropriate and effective manner.
  • I also do coordination among all my colleagues so that I am able to provide them appropriate resources in effective and appropriate manner.
  • I also design or develop training and development session according to my colleagues requirement so that they perform in proper way. Along with this according to requirement I do hiring or recruitment.

3.1 Explain own role and responsibilities in working with other professionals

When I am working with professional at Eleanor Healthcare Group I perform several role and responsibilities so that I and other professional staff will conduct as well as accomplish work in effective and appropriate manner. Some major role and responsibilities which conduct by me in order to work with respective company professional are mentioned below:-

  • It is my role and responsibilities to communicate in effective manner with professionals so that I can build trust and confidence in relationship.
  • Along with this its my role and responsibility to plan and implement this ineffective manner so that Eleanor Healthcare Group professionals conduct there work in appropriate way.
  • I must do effective communication by using plain as well as professional language so that they both of us can understand issues and works in proper manner.
  • It is my responsibilities to provide appropriate and necessary informations and data on regular basis so that respective company professional able to conduct there work in effective way.

4.1 Describe how you have developed procedures for effective working relationships with others

When I will work with others I will develop and adopt various activities which help me in conducting or developing work relationship with other. By this my company and I both able to attain goal and objective in effective manner. Some procedures are mentioned below:-

  • Develop trust: To conduct effective working relation I will develop trust among employees or staffs (How to Build Effective Working Relationships, 2019). For this I will develop confidence among staff not do gossips with them. Along with this to develop effective working relationship with other I will understand and fulfil all promises and requirement.
  • Work with team: For developingeffective working relation I will develop or create team to conduct work in appropriate manner. I will also appraise and motivate my colleagues and staff so that they perform there task in proper manner and attain goal.
  • Communicate and respect: For developing effective working relationship I will communicate in effective manner with my colleagues so that they understand task in proper ways and accomplish it effectively. Along with this I also respect others so they feel encouraged and connected towards respective company.

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How partnership working delivers better outcomes

Partnership refers to a written agreement which is done between two or more companies in other to operate business activities jointly and in effective manner (Rueede and Kreutzer, 2015). When companies work in partnership they able to deliver better outcome in all prospectives. Partnership is beneficial for companies, services users, professions and others. Explanation of this in context of Eleanor Healthcare Group are mentioned below:-

Outcomes for profession:

  • When respective company operate there business in partnership they able to get more capital and funds due to which they able to pay more to professionals. By which professionals in Eleanor Healthcare Group like doctors, nurses, surgeons, mangers and many more.
  • Through partnership Eleanor Healthcare Group can also provide effective and appropriate training and development programmes to there professionals.

Outcomes for services user:

  • By combination of two or more companies service uses get benefits in various form like Eleanor Healthcare Group will use innovate and new technology for operating there patients.
  • Service users also get ambience which is attractive and have all essential facilities.

Evaluate own working relationship with colleagues

According to me my working relation with colleagues is effective and appropriate because I communicate with them in effective manner. Which help them and companies in attaining goal and objectives in appropriate way. Before taking any decision or developing strategies I communicate and discuss with my colleagues so that they can share there reviews and suggestions. Which is also helpful for me to operate work and develop strategies in proper manner while considering views of other. Along with this I respect my colleagues and effectively communicate all necessary information and data which they required to accomplish work. I also develop and create training and development programs according to need as well as requirement of my colleagues.

Evaluate procedures for working with other professionals

When two organization work with each other they conduct several functions and activities so that there staffs or professionals conduct work or task in appropriate manner. There are various procedures which is used by Eleanor Healthcare Group and other companies in order to develop and maintain effective working environment with professional. Such as they develop effective understandings with professionals so that they trust on respective company (Thomson and Stoll, 2017). It is necessary for both partners companies to make appropriate agreement, share equipments according to requirement, provide all essential information as well as data so that professionals can get effective working culture. Along with this they also respect professional and provide training and development programmes according to requirement.

The importance of working in partnership with others

When two or more companies operate business in partnership it will be beneficial for other. Like when Eleanor Healthcare Group operate business operations and functions with others they able to provide more effective and appropriate services to service users or patients. Services users also get treatments with innovative and new technology machines and equipments which is more appropriate and effective. Eleanor Healthcare Group also able and other company also able to hire more efficient professionals who operate and treat there patients in more effective manner (Hopwood, 2015). By this respective company can offer services and resources to there services users in more appropriate manner and in cost effective term. Partnership with companies in health and social care is seems as a beneficial of both companies, professionals and services users or patients.

Evaluate the procedures for working by carry out a SWOT analysis of the procedures that used

For evaluate effectiveness of method which is use by HR and Admin manger of Eleanor Healthcare Group for developing effective working respective company use SWOT analysis which is given below:-



·By developing and trust among staffs or professionals respective company conduct work in effective and appropriate manner.

·When management of Eleanor Healthcare Group develop team for conducting work they feel that not every employees has same behaviour which is come up as there weaknesses.



·If Eleanor Healthcare Group share or communicate resources and information in effective manner they able to serve there patients or services users in more appropriate and effective manner.

·Major threat for Eleanor Healthcare Group when they operate there business function in partnership there is chance of leak of information related to patients. Due to which services users can be file legal obligations on respective company.


Form the above discuss point it can be analysis and conclude partnership help a company in various ways in order to operate business functions and operations in effective manner. There are various effective features which is required for working in partnership such as trust, communication and many more. Partnership is seems as important for company, service users and professionals. But when two or more company come in partnership they face many barriers and there managers make strategics to overcome it. For conduction effective working relation at a workplace company adopt various procedures or activities and to check its effectiveness they can conduct SWOT analysis.


Books and journals

  • Oláh, L.S. and Gähler, M., 2014. Gender equality perceptions, division of paid and unpaid work, and partnership dissolution in Sweden.Social forces.93(2). pp.571-594.
  • Pavlova, M.K. and Silbereisen, R.K., 2012. Participation in voluntary organizations and volunteer work as a compensation for the absence of work or partnership? Evidence from two German samples of younger and older adults.Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences.67(4). pp.514-524.
  • Glover, L. and Butler, P., 2012. Highperformance work systems, partnership and the working lives of HR professionals.Human Resource Management Journal. 22(2). pp.199-215.
  • Doel, M. and Marsh, P., 2017.Task-centred social work. Routledge.
  • Cook, D.J., Krishnan, N.C. and Rashidi, P., 2013. Activity discovery and activity recognition: A new partnership.IEEE transactions on cybernetics.43(3). pp.820-828.
  • Goran, S.F. and Mullen-Fortino, M., 2012. Partnership for a healthy work environment tele-ICU/ICU collaborative.AACN advanced critical care.23(3). pp.289-301.
  • Storey, C. and Kocabasoglu-Hillmer, C., 2013. Making partner relationship management systems work: The role of partnership governance mechanisms.Industrial Marketing Management. 42(6). pp.862-871.
  • Rueede, D. and Kreutzer, K., 2015. Legitimation work within a cross-sector social partnership.Journal of Business Ethics.128(1). pp.39-58.
  • Thomson, M. and Stoll, L., 2017. Moving together: a partnership approach to improvement. InImprovement Through Inspection?(pp. 33-47). Routledge.
  • Hopwood, N., 2015. Understanding partnership practice in primary health as pedagogic work: what can Vygotsky’s theory of learning offer?.Australian Journal of Primary Health.21(1). pp.9-13.
  • Hopwood, N., 2015. Understanding partnership practice in primary health as pedagogic work: what can Vygotsky’s theory of learning offer?.Australian Journal of Primary Health,21(1), pp.9-13.
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